Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to Shut Down a Conversation . . .

Scene:  On the elevator up to the 6th floor of the parking garage at the hospital on Monday after Drew's well-baby appointment.

Older middle-aged lady who prattled on and on:  "Oh, what a beautiful baby . . . I think he needs a hat . . . (blah, blah, blah) . . . seeing babies makes me miss the baby stage--except I really don't, you know . . . (blah, blah) . . ."

Me (brightly):  "This is my 9th baby!"

Lady:  " . . . (stunned silence) . . . What?!  9?! . . . Wow . . . Uh . . . Well, good luck . . . (lapse back into stunned silence) . . .  "


Unknown said...

Toooo funny!!

Beverly said...


Do you ever get asked, "Is this your first?" I have no idea why I get that every now and then if I'm out with just Zaden...geez...when I smile and say, "He's actually #6," I get that same stunned silence!